Brand message

ASPINA brand
“ASPINA” is the corporate brand of a group of technology companies who are global leaders in hardware and software development and manufacturing. The name ASPINA was formed by placing the letter “A” on both sides of the word “SPIN.” The word SPIN refers to the silk spinning, which was the original business of our company founded in 1918, as well as the spinning of motors. The letter A refers to a brand that weaves Class A products together with customers.
Under our mission “Shaping the hopes for tomorrow and providing comfort to the world’s people”, ASPINA has been supplying a wide range of solutions that fulfill the needs of customers around the world and has established a global network that extends from research and development to all steps along the supply chain, including sales and marketing, product design, and the production and delivery of products and services.
Brand logo

The entire logo is bold and powerful. This expresses how ASPINA confronts difficult problems and resolves issues.
The letter P is stylized with a dynamic curve. In addition to imbuing the logo with the meaning of SPIN, it also expresses our attitude of weaving new value and our passionate pursuit of manufacturing.